RETROSPECT: Me and my dancing partners for the night at the Topshop X Preview Party

Bustier: Glitterati | Hot Pants: Topshop | Skirt: Glitterati | Belt: Glitterati | Purse: Chanel
Makeup from: Look Magazine Shoot

BFF, Nina Estacio ravishes in RED
Dress: Zoo Shop

Our ultimate ENERGIZER BUNNY and DANCE CHOREOGRAPHER: Gretchen Fullido
"Keeps it pure" in white.

Stylist to the Celebs and my dancing partner SIDNEY YAP.

Pong, the goddess with the smokey eyes and pink lips, who did my makeup and ultra long curly hair for my sister's wedding. Kim Kardashian ang peg namin nun. Love it.
Photo Credits: Stylebible Digital
Bustier: Glitterati | Hot Pants: Topshop | Skirt: Glitterati | Belt: Glitterati | Purse: Chanel
Makeup from: Look Magazine Shoot
BFF, Nina Estacio ravishes in RED
Dress: Zoo Shop
Our ultimate ENERGIZER BUNNY and DANCE CHOREOGRAPHER: Gretchen Fullido
"Keeps it pure" in white.
Stylist to the Celebs and my dancing partner SIDNEY YAP.
Pong, the goddess with the smokey eyes and pink lips, who did my makeup and ultra long curly hair for my sister's wedding. Kim Kardashian ang peg namin nun. Love it.
Photo Credits: Stylebible Digital